media studies

media studies

Saturday, 3 September 2016

advertising - challenging or reinforcing gender stereotypes?

Car advertising is predictable.

Black and white filter? Check
List of performance specs from a male narrator? Check
Shots of car driving at speed along a windy road. In the countryside. In the rain? Check

So far, so boring. Typically, this is geared to a male audience, or one that is concerned with the performance stats of the model. However, cars with 'quirkier' designs tend to use a different advertising strategy that appeals to a broader (and more female?) audience. Think of Mini Cooper for example.

(The ad here is a short version. Watch the one in the link below to see the bloggers review)

DS automobiles have released a new car design in partnership with the fashion house Givenchy and their make up range.

This internet based advert employs a model/beauty blogger/business woman to 'review' the car and the free Givenchy make up.

See the ad here

Things to think about:

  • What do YOU think of the advert? Would this encourage you to buy the car?
  • How are women represented in this advert?
  • Does this reinforce or challenge stereotypes?

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