media studies

media studies

Saturday 20 August 2016

ITV to switch off its seven channels for an hour for Olympics event

Have you been watching the Olympics?

Has it inspired you to pursue any sport over the holidays? Would ITV's move of switching off all of its channels for one hour encourage you to go out and be active rather than sitting and watching TV?

This is an interesting move by ITV and provokes some questions that we can explore in media studies:

-Does this demonstrate the power and influence of TV?
-Does it conform to the hyperdermic needle theory (Are we passive audiences that will do as we have been instructed?)
-Given the number and variety of TV channels available, vide on demand and online content - is this ever going to work?
-How will auidences respond to this and how will they use media formats to express their opinions on this?
-Is this reinforcing dominant ideologies about health?
-How has the media constructed representations of the British athletes and what impact has this had on audiences?
-Is this an example of Hegemony?

It is due to go ahead for an hour starting at 9.30am on the 27th of August. Keep an eye out on live TV and social media in the run up and during this time to gauge different audiences and their reactions

Read about it here

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