media studies

media studies

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Interesting Media Decisions - Trump

Why camera angles are important! Click on the photo above to read the full story.

 An interesting discussion was created, watching the below video, with some food for thought on producer decisions . 

Raheem Kassam - THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS! (Via The New Brit) | Facebook

How does this video make you feel?
How do you feel it represents young, British women?
Why has the producers chosen to edit in this way?
How could this video be viewed by Trump supporters?
What is the purpose of this piece? 
What is it telling the audience?

Trump and Plato's views on tyranny and democracy

Below is the video that we watched today looking at how Plato's predictions about ruling systems can be applied to the current situation in America.
Do familiarise yourself with the video and the ideas and look for examples to support the following questions:
  • Is it biased?
  • Does this conform to the BBC's editorial guidelines? (found here)
  • How is Trump represented?
  • Who is the target audience for Newsnight?
  • The comments have been 'disabled' for this video, why do you think this is? 
  • How might different audiences respond to this?
  • Does this reinforce or challenge dominant ideologies about those in power (the Bourgeoisie)?


Monday, 23 January 2017

Glamour magazine reverting to large, glossy editions

Having killed off the handbag edition, we discussed that Glamour have reverted to the larger glossier print copies, in order to try and compete with the established leaders in the field - Vogue and Elle.

I have a copy at school if you want to have a look. Note their reference to the change in the cover lines. The editors letter is certainly worth a read as it explains their reasoning behind it.

Come and ask me about it if you are referencing this in your coursework essay...

Mock exam feedback

Here you will find the exam board feedback for this exam and my feedback to the whole class.

Our joint writing exercises can be found here too.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

How to incorporate theory in your writing

Here are some sentence starters and some examples to help you incorporate theory into your coursework and exam writing.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Has the BBC given up on millenials?

Have a listen to the Podcast here.

This will help support your case study on youth identity by considering the institutions response to youth audiences  -

Consider the following as you listen:

  • How has the BBC adapted the scheduling and broadcast of their youth targeted programming?

  • What positive and negative implications does this have on youth audiences and on the BBC?

  • Does this have any impact on brand loyalty?


    Tuesday, 3 January 2017

    How to reference in your coursework essay

    Universities use the Harvard referencing system to reference sources and quotations within an essay. Although it may seem complex, when you get a grasp of the basics - it really is quite simple.

    To help prepare you for academic writing at University, I would like you to use this system.

    Attached here is an extensive guide and a shorthand guide.

    Extensive guide:

    Harvard referencing 2016 from CHSGmedia

    Shorthand guide: