media studies

media studies

Thursday, 25 May 2017

copies of coursework

I would love a digital copy of all of your fabulous coursework please. Particularly print work
I did mention this awhile ago but forgot to chase you for it.

Can you email me or bring in a copy to school when you get a chance?

Muchos gracias

roll up, roll up...

Image result for LOUD SPEAKER



Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Fake news/moral panic example

Image result for manchester social media children holiday inn

After the tragic events in Manchester this week, you may have come across or even shared this information online. This appears to be a hoax or 'fake news'. Read the article about it here 

Supposed 'citizen journalism' like this can often reinforce moral panics, particularly quickly given the viral nature in which it spreads internationally.

This could support a question about:
- the pros or cons of globalisation
- moral panic
- is two step flow relevant anymore? We appear to be more and more influenced by the opinions of members of the public than significant opinion leaders
-challenging Marxism by empowering the proletariat (although wrongly)




Planning section B

here is the lesson for section B identity planning and the planning sheet:

resources for the practice paper

Here are the two videos that we watched for the section A practice paper. If you haven't had a go at answering the questions, do this for revision.

Thursday, 18 May 2017



Revise Battle for Haditha practice paper

Here you will find the paper that we answered today and an example of an A grade answer

Here is an A grade example of Q1 from the Battle of Haditha paper.
Compare it to the mark scheme. What mark would YOU give it?

Have a look in the powerpoint to see what the examiner said specifically about this answer.

A grade war answer and mark scheme q1 from CHSGmedia
Here is the full A grade answers for section A and B.
Note how little (in terms of quantity) they have actually written. But it is packed with-
  • examples
  • theory and terminology
  • analysis
  • critical autonomy.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Interested in Journalism or radio/music production? Here's an opportunity for you...

London Voices: A Journalism & Media Competition Learning Consortium are currently running a competition for anyone living, working or studying in London. The competition requires entrants to produce a piece of journalism in any format about a range of issues in London. London Learning Consortium are looking for entries in print, radio, video, online and photography. No previous experience is necessary and the competition is completely free to enter.
For more information, check out the London Voices website or London Voices poster.
To register for the competition, please complete the Competition Registration Form and return to The deadline for entries is Monday 22nd May 2017.
Opportunity: Roundhouse Studios Studios are currently running a series of projects aimed at young people between 11 and 25 years old in Camden. Projects include weekly drop-in DJ tutorials (for just £2 per session), advice in music production and a radio drop-in session running until 25th May.
For more information on the projects on offer, check out the Roundhouse Young Creatives website.
Roundhouse has also opened their free Online Film Fund for submissions for young people between 16 and 25 years old, which gives applicants the opportunity to produce a short film.
For more information including how to apply, visit the Roundhouse Online Film Fund website.
The deadline for entries is 10am on Monday 26th June 2017

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Coursework feedback

A big thank you to those of you who have already emailed me requesting feedback. I have sent photographs of my comments and feedback to the following students, so if you haven't checked your emails yet - please do so:


The following students have not emailed me (yet) requesting feedback. They are:


The following students are in my bad books for not bothering to hand me in an essay at all:


Saturday, 25 March 2017

Coursework - IMPORTANT

Hi all,

Sadly, I am still unwell and will not be in until after Easter.

Do not panic! There is enough time for your coursework to be finished and submitted but you need to ensure that you read this post carefully. If you know that someone else in the class may not have checked the blog, please encourage them to check this post.

I have three essays here with me that are marked for L.H, A.G and N.M.
A.G - I emailed you photographs of the marking for you to make corrections. You did not respond so I'm not sure whether you have recieved this.

L.H and N.M - if you would like to see your feedback, please send me an email and I will photograph and send you the comments for you to make amendments.

EVERYONE - I shall pop in to school on the first day of the half term to collect essays. Please leave them in the usual tray on my desk. If you would like me to send you feedback over the Easter YOU MUST email me to request it. I cannot access student emails from home so it will not miraculously make its way to you without you emailing me first.

Please note - your email addresses are an obscure collection of letters and numbers. Please do not assume that I can figure out who you are from the address alone. I've never been very good at anagrams and cryptic clues, get into the habit of signing your emails with your name.


If you are the student who has only submitted me ONE draft in the last six months. I AM PANICKING FOR YOU. Make sure you have that essay in - NO EXCUSES and be sat glued to your email waiting for my feedback.

In the mean time, use the final week of this term to finish your production work. They were all looking fantastic and myself and Miss Samuels gave you feedback to work on. If you are unsure and would like some more help either speak to Mr Nott or screen grab your work and email me an image with an idea of your concerns or worries and I will endeavour to respond when I can.

The first lesson after Easter will be to submit your final work.
Print work should be printed in colour and a digital copy available for me to copy.
Film based work should be available as an exported copy, I will then put these onto a disc and take a digital copy.

Your final draft of your essay (with any corrections from the Easter holiday) should be complete and ready too. You must ensure that you include a bibliography which is a list of the books, websites, articles, films etc that you have referenced or quoted in your essay. Most of you are missing this.
If you are unsure how to list a bibliography, use the Harvard referencing guide that is here on the blog , ask Mr Nott or have a look at some previous work examples (again, see Sir) to see how it's done.

Finally, before submitting me any further drafts, please can you proof read your work. I feel that quite a few students are writing each draft very quickly and throwing it at me without reading it through because you think that I will just do it for you. Firstly, this is lazy. Secondly, this is unnecessarily adding to my time and thirdly, it is really poor practice. You just can't do this at University. You don't get to redraft your work there. What you hand in is FINAL.

ok, rant over. DONT PANIC. Just get it done. Time is on your side and I am still here to help. Have a wonderful Easter break and come back with some amazing work to blow my socks off!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Case Study: Young Black Males

Look through the various resources here relating to issues around young black males.

Think about whether the music videos challenge or compliment Alvarado's Ethnicity theory.

 How did audiences respond to  Beyoncé's Lemonade album and her performance at the Superbowl?

Watch the trailer for 13th, what impact might this have on Black American Males?

Think about the purpose of #blacklives matter with the website, mannequin challenge
and short documentaries from the New York Times. How do you feel it's received? How are audiences responding to this?

Explore the music videos and think about the messages that are shared. How do they link to representing the identity of young black males? How do they relate to other theories you've explored?

What else can you find that relates to Alvarado's Ethnicity theory within the media and what challenges it?

Friday, 24 February 2017

URGENT!! Want to be a journalist?

i know that some of you are quite interested in a career in journalism. ITV have an apprenticeship scheme starting in October but the deadline for applications is sunday! I have only just been passed the info otherwise I would have given you a heads up. If you are interested in applying, check out the details here:

Monday, 20 February 2017

Exam practice


Just a heads up that we shall be doing a mock paper (section A only) in tomorrows lesson.

Please make sure you arrive to lesson on time as we are completing the full hour and this may run over if you are late.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Half term homework

I have finished marking the remaining essays so please collect them today ready for the half term.

You must make sure you have completed a FULL, third draft ready to be handed in on Tuesday the 21st of February please.

  • Use the half term to do some more research and include relevant quotes and theory.
  • Look at the mark scheme in your essay draft folder and familiarise yourself with the expectations for each level.
  • Don't hand in an incomplete essay. At this stage, they should be complete.
  • If you're struggling and it is not working, look again at your plan and restructure it.
  • Examples must be specific (just like the exam)
  • Have one or two main examples. Reference other historical texts for context.
  • Try to draw links between your question and any contemporary issues in the media.
Good Luck!

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Revision - how to narrow down your examples

I hope that today's lesson was of use. You are starting to be selective about which resources you think are particularly useful and discuss them with reference to detailed examples in relation to contemporary media issues, the key concepts and media theory and terminology.

It is a great idea to redo this individually with each case study before the exam to - 
-Re familiarise yourself with the course content
-To start to make your own connections and draw your own conclusions
-To cater the exam to your strengths. Choose resources that interest you. Enrage you. Inspire you. You are much more likely to remember them in the exam if that is the case.

Do not forget to explore a variety of media texts from a variety of media producers. It is not a good idea to go into the exam with purely newspaper based examples. If you feel that is currently the case, use this time to start exploring alternative examples.

Don't forget to apply ideas about media regulation - the snoopers charter, the BBC editorial guidelines, OFCOM and IPSO for example. Examiners are very impressed by this.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Interesting Media Decisions - Trump

Why camera angles are important! Click on the photo above to read the full story.

 An interesting discussion was created, watching the below video, with some food for thought on producer decisions . 

Raheem Kassam - THEY HAVE NO ANSWERS! (Via The New Brit) | Facebook

How does this video make you feel?
How do you feel it represents young, British women?
Why has the producers chosen to edit in this way?
How could this video be viewed by Trump supporters?
What is the purpose of this piece? 
What is it telling the audience?

Trump and Plato's views on tyranny and democracy

Below is the video that we watched today looking at how Plato's predictions about ruling systems can be applied to the current situation in America.
Do familiarise yourself with the video and the ideas and look for examples to support the following questions:
  • Is it biased?
  • Does this conform to the BBC's editorial guidelines? (found here)
  • How is Trump represented?
  • Who is the target audience for Newsnight?
  • The comments have been 'disabled' for this video, why do you think this is? 
  • How might different audiences respond to this?
  • Does this reinforce or challenge dominant ideologies about those in power (the Bourgeoisie)?


Monday, 23 January 2017

Glamour magazine reverting to large, glossy editions

Having killed off the handbag edition, we discussed that Glamour have reverted to the larger glossier print copies, in order to try and compete with the established leaders in the field - Vogue and Elle.

I have a copy at school if you want to have a look. Note their reference to the change in the cover lines. The editors letter is certainly worth a read as it explains their reasoning behind it.

Come and ask me about it if you are referencing this in your coursework essay...

Mock exam feedback

Here you will find the exam board feedback for this exam and my feedback to the whole class.

Our joint writing exercises can be found here too.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

How to incorporate theory in your writing

Here are some sentence starters and some examples to help you incorporate theory into your coursework and exam writing.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Has the BBC given up on millenials?

Have a listen to the Podcast here.

This will help support your case study on youth identity by considering the institutions response to youth audiences  -

Consider the following as you listen:

  • How has the BBC adapted the scheduling and broadcast of their youth targeted programming?

  • What positive and negative implications does this have on youth audiences and on the BBC?

  • Does this have any impact on brand loyalty?


    Tuesday, 3 January 2017

    How to reference in your coursework essay

    Universities use the Harvard referencing system to reference sources and quotations within an essay. Although it may seem complex, when you get a grasp of the basics - it really is quite simple.

    To help prepare you for academic writing at University, I would like you to use this system.

    Attached here is an extensive guide and a shorthand guide.

    Extensive guide:

    Harvard referencing 2016 from CHSGmedia

    Shorthand guide: