media studies

media studies

Friday, 28 October 2016

Music video innovation

There is a chance that you may be reading this blog post on your phone.

Despite film and media snobs suggesting otherwise, marketers and social media institutions are recognising that audiences often consume video in portrait mode rather than turning their phones to a landscape position, and a number of videos are now being produced in this way.

Read about it here.

You may have also noticed that video content on social media often uses subtitles?
The nature with which we consume social media and video content is often when we are bored and seeking entertainment in a public space, often alone and when sound is unnecessary, embarrassing (!) or annoying. When video content unexpectedly includes sound, we often skip or close it. Media producers have realised that this is potentially detrimental as you will avoid consuming their video content. As a result, many include subtitles so that you can engage in the dialogue of the video content without skipping it. Look out for this particularly on facebook and  instagram.

Read about it here.

Going back to music video developments, Chance the Rapper's latest music video was shot on his iphone. Do watch the video on your phone with the screen rotation locked and look at how the video encourages you to physically engage. What does it make you do?

Finally, consider how this demonstrates technological convergence. Phones are increasingly complex and enable use to produce, consume and access media with ease.

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